Author Archives: omnashoba

Austin Pagan Pride Day 2023 Closing Ritual


Hamarr i Nordhri helga ve thetta ok hald voerdh

“Hammer in the North
hallow and hold this holy stead”

Hamarr i Austri helga ve thetta ok hald voerdh

“Hammer in the East
hallow and hold this holy stead”

Hamarr i Sudhri helga ve thetta ok hald voerdh

“Hammer in the South
hallow and hold this holy stead”

Hamarr i Vestri, helga ve thetta ok hald voerdh

“Hammer in the West,
hallow and hold this holy stead”

Hamarr yfir mer helga ve thetta ok hald voerdh 

“Hammer above me
hallow and hold this holy stead”

Hamarr undir mer helga ve thetta ok hald voerdh

“Hammer below me,
hallow and hold this holy stead”

Hamarr, helga ve thetta ok hald voerdh

“Hammer, hallow and hold this holy stead”


Hail thee, day! Hail, day’s sons!

Hail night and daughters of night!

With kind eyes look upon us:

Give victory to those standing here!

Hail to you gods! Hail goddesses!

Hail Earth that gives to all!

Good wisdom and rede we ask of you

And healing hands while we live


Communities are made up of connections of people. They are bound by some sense of duty to each other, and are disciplined in keeping those connections alive. These communities can be flexible and powerful, and magnified by their beliefs.

They need patience, persistence, fortitude. Through loss, gain, grief, upheaval, recovery and redefinition. Through pressure from the outside world to change or be a certain way. But, communities are not beholden to those in their outer circles, only to they themselves within.

After experiencing our thriving community today, may we bear these things in mind as we return with inspiration to our smaller communities, and work to make them stronger and more resilient. Let us take a moment of reflection of our experiences today and the work to be done tomorrow.


Join us as we call forth the Aesir and Asynjur, Disir, and Alfar, and all the vaettir of Austin


Odin, we are awed by thy craft

Frigga, your wisdom keeps us

Tyr, you are just and true

Idunna, your apples strengthen our souls

Baldr, your brightness and boldness guide us

Thor, your thunder wards our stead

Freya, we gain freedom from your frolic

Freyr, from thee a harvest of frith

Hail the gods, hail the goddesses

Hail the holy ones who dwell together

“We welcome you to join us in this stead”

Ancient and honored ones

Blood of our blood

Heart of our hearts

Ancestors of both flesh and spirit

Hail the Holy Mothers, Dises of the Harrow

Mighty mothers of old, we turn our minds to you

Hail the Holy Fathers, Alfar of the Hall

Fearsome fathers of old, we turn our eyes to you

Hail the Holy Guardians, Ken of the Hearth

Caring ken of old, we turn our hearts to you

We welcome you to join us in this stead

Spirits of the land and home

Vaettir, wend your way to us

You of the earth, water, and sky

Share our hearths, share our hearts

Our wyrd is wild with your energy

We welcome you to join us in this stead


We dedicate this day to you all

We offer our time, our works, our words

We offer you our weal and wealth

We offer you our gratitude and blessings

We offer you the harvest of ourselves


As the wheel turns ever onwards

As dawn dies to dusk

As spring falls to winter

We ask for blessings in the cycle to come

May the gods and goddesses favor our works

May your ancestors guide you in all your ways

May the spirits of our land embrace you


As you fared here and well came, now it is time to leave this stead.

May we be well and successful, and meet again in good health in the coming year!